Overview on all »Must« Decisions

This is the architectural decision log for the Microservice Dungeon project. Download as CSV.

A Must decision (principle, solution, technology etc.) is binding for all teams.

  Status Title Responsible Deadline Prio
1 APIs are specified in "API first" style Stefan Bente
2 Asynchronous communication takes precedence over synchronous communication Stefan Bente
3 Conventions for REST return codes and error handling Mert Barutcu
4 Conventions for REST URIs Tobi
5 What is the proper domain model for commands - who is owner? Christopher Poloczek and Fabian Grüterich
6 AsyncAPI is used for specifying and documenting events Tobi, Thomas Lang, and TimP
7 Event Structure Philipp Schmeier and Tobi
8 What naming conventions should the services follow when communicating? TimP
9 Tool for specifying REST APIs Fabian Grüterich and nattyflo
10 Service cut Stefan Bente and Philipp Schmeier
11 Platform for team developer documentation THMSR and Tobi
12 Time format for communication Philipp Schmeier
13 Unit Testing of Business Logic ahahn94, Tobi, and THMSR
14 UUIDs are to be used for IDs in APIs Stefan Bente