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Game Basics / Technical Game cycle

When installation is complete, "Game Service" is initially online and running.

Take care

There is some preparation needed, before it is possible to play.

In the API documentation you will find that it says you need an BearerAuth (admin). You can ignore this information. It is obsolete.

1. Create Game#

First step is to create a Game. For that you will use a REST call.



example request payload

{    "maxRounds": 58,    "maxPlayers": 6}

You should get a UUID as a response! If not something went wrong.

Response example payload

{    "gameId": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851"}
  • A "Game" consists of rounds, explained in Gameloop. You have to specify the amount of rounds that will be played till the automatic end of a game.

  • Also, you can specify the number of players that will be competing. For a game to start, it is not necessary to reach the maximum number of players. The game mechanics like map size will scale with the actual number of players at the "3. Start Game".

1.1 Change Game Parameters#

Before "3. Start Game" or during a "running" game you can change these parameters.

1.1.1 number of rounds in a game#

This changes how many rounds should be played in each game in total. So you can lengthen or shorten a game. If the game is already "running" and you shorten below the "currentRoundNumber" of that game, that game will conclude.



example request payload

{"maxRounds": 0}

1.1.2 length of rounds in a game#

This changes how long the duration of the rounds will be. Standard length is 60 Seconds in total. Consisting of 3/4 Command Collection time and 1/4 Command Execution time

Input has to be given in MILLISECONDS(1000ms = 1s).



example request payload

{"duration": 0}

2. Let player join to created Game#

Please refer to the Chapter Player Basics

3. Start Game(play)#

The start of a game is simple. Just use this REST Call


You can control if a game is running with the REST calls:



example response payload

    "gameId": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851",    "gameStatus": "running",    "maxPlayers": 6,    "maxRounds": 58,    "currentRoundNumber": 0,    "roundLengthInMillis": 60000,    "participatingPlayers": 
        [            "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851"        ]    }
  • "gameStatus": "running" will signalise you that a game is running.

Or you could look if the time is changed with this REST Call.



example response payload

        "gameTime": 183,        "roundCount": 4,        "roundTime": 33

4. Player issues Commands#

Please refer to the Chapter Player Basics

5. End Game(play)#

There are three possibilities how a game should end.

  • The game has reached the round number, which was defined earlier.

  • You tried to change the maximum round number and the new value was lower than the current round count of the game.

  • You used the POST REST call to end a game.



There can only be one 'started' game at a time. Make sure there is no 'started' game with this REST call.



The response will look like this. Pay attention to the "gameStatus": "running".

example response payload

[    {    "gameId": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851",    "gameStatus": "running",    "maxPlayers": 6,    "maxRounds": 58,    "currentRoundNumber": 0,    "roundLengthInMillis": 60000,    "participatingPlayers": [    "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851"    ]    }]

Repository Link Game#

Repository Link Game