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Robot Service Technical View

Robot and its Information#

The robot has several variables that you must keep an eye out for.

You can the information for your robot by using this REST call:



Response Payload Example

    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",    "player": "ae2cfcf0-e870-4360-a41e-3b3bb3312234",    "planet": "2faf337d-d8d1-40fc-983e-5f130540496b",    "alive": true,    "maxHealth": 100,    "maxEnergy": 60,    "energyRegen": 8,    "attackDamage": 5,    "miningSpeed": 10,    "health": 75,    "energy": 43,    "healthLevel": 5,    "damageLevel": 5,    "miningSpeedLevel": 5,    "miningLevel": 5,    "energyLevel": 5,    "energyRegenLevel": 5,    "storageLevel": 5,    "inventory": 
    "maxStorage": 20,    "usedStorage": 5,    "coal": 3,    "iron": 2,    "gem": 0,    "gold": 0,    "platin": 0
    {        "rocket": 0,        "wormhole": 2,        "longRangeBombardement": 0,        "selfDestruction": 1,        "repairSwarm": 0,        "nuke": 3    }

Robot Data#

  • general: id, player, planet, alive(y/n) -> These are self-explanatory.

  • Max stats of robot according to current upgrade status: maxHealth, maxEnergy, energyRegen, attackDamage, miningSpeed -> These are variables that can be improved by upgrades bought by the trading service.

  • Current status of the robot: health, energy -> your current pool of helath and energy. A Robot is not dying with "0" Energy. You simply cannot use another action exept of regenerating.

  • Current upgrade level: healthLevel, damageLevel, miningSpeedLevel, miningLevel, energyLevel, energyRegenLevel, storageLevel -> you can only upgrade to the next level via trading service.

Spawning a Robot#

The spawn of the robot is a direct result of a "Buy robot command" to the trading service.

If a player has enough money the trading service uses a REST call to the robot service.

The expected properties are:

  • transaction_id
  • player
  • planet

All expected properties are UUIDs. The robot service then creates the new robot with a newly generated uuid for the robot, the three received properties and standard values.



example payload

    "transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc",    "player": "ae2cfcf0-e870-4360-a41e-3b3bb3312234",    "planets": 
    [        "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"    ],    "quantity": 1

The player listens to the robot channel: spawn-notification and receives and can match the transactionId in the event header, which he received for the command to the event.

Event Payload

{"robotId": "7c659da1-3329-4978-8838-9ba0c468720c","playerId": "35184259-d156-4290-94ed-3a4b4f2c36f8","otherSeeableRobots": [    "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"]}

In addition there will be an event in the channel neighbours, which tells you all the neighbouring planets for the new robot, to which you could move the new bought robot.

Event Payload

{"neighbours": [    {    "planetId": "5e7773ed-265a-4e7b-bece-86392407afef",    "movementDifficulty": 0,    "direction": "NORTH"    }]}

Upgrade transaction#

  • Game service: issues the command which was received by the player to the trading service
  • Trading service: processes the command, checks if position is a space station, checks if player has enough money, sends request to robot, receives answer from robot, adjusts wallet of player and throws success or failure event. The trading service is using a REST call to the robot service for this.



Example Payload

    "transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc",    "upgradeType": "STORAGE",    "targetLevel": 1

Robot service: validate robot position and do the upgrade (answer is success or failure)

After that the trading services is throwing an event, which the player has to consume to be informed about success or failure of his command. This is seen as a trade by the trading service. Trading Service Deep Dive

The robot service only has to validate the position of the given robot and check if the bought upgrade is possible.

Upgrade Status: robot receives the data from trading if upgrades are bought, stores this and tracks the multiplier (which is dependent on the total bought upgrades for each robot)

Additional usefull REST calls#

The next REST call can be used to get all robots. For example to check if the robot is belonging to the specific player, or to evaluate how many robots a player has.



The trading service uses, in addition to the above written, theses REST calls to the robot service, to communicate trading command transactions. Again, the Trading Service is throwing the events that can be interpreted by the player.

  • Instead of using the regenerate action of the robot you could buy a full health or energy regeneration from a space station. This is communicated by the trading service in the following way.



Example Payload

    "transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc",    "restorationType": "HEALTH"

Items bought by a robot are behaving the same way as a bought upgrade.



Example Payload

"transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc","itemType": "ROCKET"

Also if a trading command is to sell resources. All resources present in a robot inventory are sold.



Example Payload

"coal": 3,"iron": 2,"gem": 0,"gold": 0,"platin": 0

Also there is a way to change the global variables for all robots, for example to make movement regardless of the movement difficulty of the map scale with an additional factor.



Example Requst Payload

    "lvl0": 20,    "lvl1": 50,    "lvl2": 100,    "lvl3": 200,    "lvl4": 400,    "lvl5": 1000
},"hp": {
    "lvl0": 10,    "lvl1": 25,    "lvl2": 50,    "lvl3": 100,    "lvl4": 200,    "lvl5": 500
},"damage": {
    "lvl0": 1,    "lvl1": 2,    "lvl2": 5,    "lvl3": 10,    "lvl4": 20,    "lvl5": 50
},"miningSpeed": {
    "lvl0": 2,    "lvl1": 5,    "lvl2": 10,    "lvl3": 15,    "lvl4": 20,    "lvl5": 40
},"energyCapacity": {
    "lvl0": 20,    "lvl1": 30,    "lvl2": 40,    "lvl3": 60,    "lvl4": 100,    "lvl5": 200
},"energyRegeneration": {
    "lvl0": 4,    "lvl1": 6,    "lvl2": 8,    "lvl3": 10,    "lvl4": 15,    "lvl5": 20
    {        "blockingBaseCost": 2,        "blockingMaxEnergyProportion": 10,        "miningMultiplier": 1,        "miningWeight": 1,        "movementMultiplier": 1,        "attackingMultiplier": 1,        "attackingWeight": 1    }
  • energyCostCalculation defines the parameters for energy cost calculations. The formulas are as follows:

Blocking: blockingBaseCost + blockingMaxEnergyProportion * energyCapacity

Mining: miningMultiplier * (mining_strength_level + miningWeight)

Movement: movementMultiplier * movement_difficulty

Attacking: attackingMultiplier *(damage_level + attackingWeight)

Useful Events by Robot#

Everyone should keep the channel: robot-destroyed in mind. This channel is the only way to find out if your robot has been destroyed.

So you should monitor this channel for your robotId's.

Event Payload Example

{"robotId": "7c659da1-3329-4978-8838-9ba0c468720c","playerId": "35184259-d156-4290-94ed-3a4b4f2c36f8"}

Other Events are all in connection with actions. You can see examples here

Repository Link Robot#

Repository Link Robot